Terms of Service


Welcome to Video Home. The following are our service terms, please read them carefully. When using our services, you have agreed to these service terms. We have the right to modify this clause if necessary, and you can check it at any time. After we modify the terms, your use of our services constitutes your acceptance of these modifications. If you do not accept our terms, please do not use our services.

Service scope

Our service mainly focuses on video playback functions, which can be browsed, edited, etc.


We will determine the content of our services based on the actual situation, and we also have the right to suspend or suspend some or all of the services at any time, or complete these operations without prior notice to you.


We do our best to ensure the security and integrity of our services, but we cannot guarantee that our services will not experience malfunctions, errors, or data loss. Therefore, for important video files, it is best for you to make good data backups.

User Declaration and Warranty

Users should comply with relevant laws and regulations and shall not transmit any content that violates laws and regulations to our platform.


The products played by users through our app must not infringe on the privacy, portrait rights, and other legitimate rights and interests of others; These contents should not endanger network security; These activities should not hinder others' normal use of online services; These activities cannot involve fraudulent activities;


By using our products, it is assumed that you are fully responsible for any actions and results arising from the use of our services. If you violate this agreement or other relevant laws and result in any third party claiming compensation from us, the user agrees to bear economic compensation and related losses.

Service usage

Users should ensure that all information uploaded and downloaded on our platform does not infringe on the intellectual property rights, privacy rights, and other legitimate rights of any third party. If there is any infringement, users should independently bear legal responsibility.


Our services are only for personal viewing and entertainment, and you cannot abuse our services.


The user understands and agrees that we are unable to review the uploaded video. If any infringement occurs, please contact us as soon as possible and we will handle it as soon as possible.

During your use of our product, due to the functional requirements of this app, we need to read some of your video files after obtaining your authorization. By using our product, you agree to this clause by default.

Disclaimer clause

Our application is based on technical means to provide services. We do not guarantee that our application is completely error free or vulnerability free, as technical means cannot achieve complete error free capabilities. We will strive to improve our technical level and provide better technical services to users, but we do not make any guarantees about this. If any losses are caused to users as a result, we do not assume any responsibility, You acknowledge and agree to our terms


Intellectual Property

The user confirms that the video content used by the user belongs to the user, and the user should ensure that it does not infringe on any third-party intellectual property or other legitimate rights and interests. We are not responsible for any copyright issues related to user works and content raised by third parties.

Termination of service and account ban

If you violate these service terms, we have the right to stop providing services and permanently ban your account.

Contact us

Welcome to give us your feedback on your usage experience and opinions. You can contact us by email qihu221208@gmail.com

